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Kick MMA Boxing Gloves for Men

Kick MMA Boxing Gloves for Men

Regular price $16.99
Sale price $16.99 Regular price $13.83
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Kick Boxing Gloves for Men Women PU Karate Muay Thai Guantes De Boxeo Free Fight MMA Sanda Training Adults Kids Equipment


Material: Made from PU Leather EVA foam, excellent tractability, tear resistance, wear and tear and more.
Design: Half mitts gloves, hollow palm, with nice flexibilty & prevent sweating when training.
Adjustable: The back of glove and adjustable straps with thicken foam, well protecting wrist.
Widely Wear: Great MMA, Kickboxing, Muay Thai and more.

Size Chart:

Size (LxWxT): Adults Size 24cmx13cmx5cm/9.45inchx5.12inchx1.97inch.

Package Includes:

1pair Boxing Gloves


Please allow slightly errors due to manual measurement and different monitors.

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Do you offer custom or personalized gear?

Currently, we don't offer custom or personalized gear. However, we're always expanding our product selection, so stay tuned for updates!

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Do you offer wholesale or bulk discounts?

Yes, we offer wholesale pricing and bulk discounts for larger orders. If you're interested in placing a wholesale order, please contact us for more information.

Are your products officially licensed?

We take pride in offering high-quality, officially licensed merchandise from top MMA brands. Rest assured, when you shop with us, you're getting authentic gear straight from the source.